We have exciting news here at Community Christian Church! This week Zondervan will release a brand new book written by our own Dave Ferguson, Jon Ferguson, and Eric Bramlett. It's called THE BIG IDEA: focus the message, multiply the impact. I had the chance to get an early copy and am proud to say that IT IS REALLY GOOD! THE BIG IDEA is one of the most essential components to the success of our church strategy
Personally, I'm a big fan of THE BIG IDEA. What excites me most about THE BIG IDEA is how it naturally creates teachable moments for the family. Here at CCC, the entire family experiences one BIG IDEA each weekend. Hopefully this alignment increases the chances of families having spiritual conversations at home. THE BIG IDEA sets parents up for success as they take ownership for the spiritual development of their family.
So if you would like to increase the impact of your weekends, order a copy of THE BIG IDEA and learn from the journey we've been on here at CCC.